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Essex Police nominate Rachel Evans for a 'Happiest Leader 2016 award'

happiness award nominee

Nichola Newman, from Essex Police has nominated her colleague, Rachel Evans for the happiest leader award.

Nicola said about Rachel:

'Rachel is a very inspirational and positive colleague as well as providing provisional prompt advice and guidance in her role as the HR Project Manager.

'There is never a dull moment when Rachel is around and can turn any negative situation in front of her into a positive outcome.

'I was recently witness to this when she didn’t get a job she had been interviewed for and was very determined to have. She not only reflected positivity with close colleagues but then had the courage to use it at a big event hosted by our Chief Constable in front of 200 people to demonstrate vulnerability and determination, not letting go of your goals and aspiring to seek the good out of every situation.

'Rachel is often found in the middle of light humour in very stressful situations, and that is particularly relevant when recently delivering competing deadline to executive staff.

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'Rachel often brings in food and cakes just for the sake of it, and always has time for everyone.

'She leaves everyone I know with a warm glow. Regardless of the outcome of this nomination, she is someone I have the pleasure of working with, who brightens my day with a real passion for people development while lighting the stresses and strains of a busy working environment can bring.'

Nicola sounds like a worthy nominee for a happiness award. Do you have a Nicola in your organisation?

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your business, organisation or a team member for a Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016

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