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Toxic Positivity – why suppressing negative emotions is bad for your mental health

If you’re struggling with your mental health, you’re probably fed up with being told to ‘just think positively.’ For once you’d like to just express your emotions, without immediately receiving a motivational fridge magnet from a well-meaning friend.

We hear you. So we’ve put together a FREE 45-minute webinar that aims to banish toxic positivity in favour of real tools and techniques to stay realistically happy and mentally healthy in 2022.

Friday 14th January 2022 | 12pm – 12.45pm

Stephanie Davies

Cost: FREE

Book your free place on the toxic positivity webinar

Go on, hands up if you’ve ever heard any of these:

  • Just think happy thoughts
  • Nothing is impossible if you try hard enough
  • Dream big
  • Live, laugh, love
  • If you put good stuff out there, good stuff comes back 

At Laughology, these phrases genuinely hurt our hearts and make us feel anything but upbeat. And while they may be well-intentioned and said in an attempt to focus on the good, they can be incredibly harmful. They’re dismissive of how someone might actually feel and minimise life’s real and genuine pain. 

Said simply, they’re toxic.

One of the realities of being a human is that life can be tough and painful. The past two years have shown us this. All around us, people are dealing with difficult stuff. Pain, worry, heartbreak and fear are normal and real parts of being a human. And while these emotions aren’t pleasant or enjoyable, they’re important. Important to feel and important to express. 

Part of having positive mental health is recognising all emotions, as well as learning how to deal with them. Failing to acknowledge hardships can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. Research shows that persistent reminders to reflect on ‘how good we have it’ in the midst of strife and struggle don’t make sadness, fear or anxiety dissipate. Instead, suppressing negative emotions can actually make us feel worse.  So what can we do?

Well, we’re proud to say Laughology was a pioneer in the space of wellbeing and happiness. So we’ve put together this FREE lunchtime webinar, where Stephanie Davies – Head of Happiness (but it’s okay not to be) - will explore the importance of realistic optimism and happiness, and how to recognise when you need to do something different. 

This fun and interactive session will explore:

  • What toxic positivity is and why it’s bad for your mental health
  • How to think and behave in a positive way that’s healthy for everyone, so you’re no longer suppressing your emotions in a detrimental way
  • How to acknowledge and use negative emotions as a way to help you get back on track, rather than trying to hide them away
  • Tools and techniques to stay realistically happy and mentally healthy in 2022

So why not join us to understand and explore some different ways of managing your mental health?

And don’t worry, there definitely won’t be any toxic positivity quotes on fridge magnets or tote bags... but there will be plenty of Curly Wurlys to win.


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