By Vicky on Thursday, 19 September 2024
Category: Laughology blog

Post-summer strategies to boost performance and creativity in the workplace

Boots weather is on the horizon, and with it comes the perfect time to take a fresh look at how you can rev up your team's performance during this natural peak of refocus. Perhaps we should consider less 'back to the grindstone' and more 'recharged and raring to go' for workplace innovation…. 

The secret to unleashing your team's creativity and collaboration might just lie in the power of laughter in the workplace. Studies show it reduces stress, boosts mood and increases energy levels. When your team members feel good, they will naturally be more engaged, innovative, and collaborative. Not only that, they'll think better, too - which is handy for a spot of innovation, we think you'll agree. 

Playfulness also helps break down barriers, fostering the psychological safety needed for true creativity to thrive. In today's fast-paced business environment, having a supportive and visionary team is essential for growth and innovation. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started. 

Embed laughter and learning as a foundation for workplace creativity 

Don't be afraid to let your team members get a little silly together. Encourage people to share their stories and expertise. Make space for humour in your team meetings and recognise those who bring the laughs. But also use mishaps and mistakes as opportunities for levity. 

When you can all laugh at yourselves, it builds trust and camaraderie - and identifies opportunities to improve processes. 

Encourage thinking differently to spark innovation  

One of the biggest obstacles to creativity in the workplace is groupthink - when team members feel pressure to conform to a singular viewpoint. Combat this by actively seeking out diverse opinions and backgrounds within your team. 

Encourage members to challenge assumptions, ask probing questions, and bring their innovative ideas to the table. Set team tasks that require them to *really* think outside the box! 

Create psychological safety by leading with laughter 

For teams to collaborate and take risks, they need to feel safe to be vulnerable with one another. Make it a priority to build an environment of trust, empathy, and mutual respect.  

As the boss, you've got to be willing to be laughed at every now and then or at least show fallibility. Share funny anecdotes about yourself, try out some mum/dad jokes, and don't be afraid to laugh at your own quirks. 

This shows your team you don't take yourself too seriously and encourages them to do the same. When people feel safe, they're more likely to speak up, experiment, and go the extra mile in their creative endeavours. 

Foster collaboration over competition to enhance workplace innovation 

It's natural for some healthy competition to exist on teams, but you must be careful that it doesn't veer into an "us vs. them" mentality that undermines collaboration. Shift the focus towards shared goals and support. Implement team-based rewards and recognition and make it clear that collective success is the priority. 

Prioritise work/life balance to boost creativity 

In the push for productivity, it's easy for teams to burn out. However, the reality is that overworked and stressed-out people are much less likely to be creative and collaborative. As a manager, model positive work/life balance behaviours and ensure your team members maintain healthy boundaries. 

This will increase engagement, retention, and, ultimately, better business outcomes through enhanced creativity and innovation. 


September is a perfect time to take a hard look at your team management strategy and adjust to foster a more creative, collaborative, and sustainable work culture. By empowering your people and using the tools of humour and laughter in the workplace, you can create the right conditions for them to thrive and innovate. 

The bottom line is, if you want your team to be truly unstoppable, you've got to get them giggling.  

If you’d like some support to develop your teams’ innovation and thinking skills, take a look at our workshop or contact Doug to discuss how we can help you boost creativity and innovation in your workplace -