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Our Presentation Skills workshop covers content including creating a great PowerPoint, dealing with difficult questions, effective storytelling, language techniques, body language, image and presence and turn you into a confident master communicator.


  • Builds confidence
  • Improves delivery
  • Develop presence
  • Competitive edge

Suited to:

  • Managers
  • Leaders
  • All Teams

Delivered as:

  • Half or full-day
  • Two day 
  • Recommended two day

Fear of public speaking can stall careers while confidence and self-belief boosts them. The ability to connect with people and build rapport, and the art of communicating effectively in challenging situations are repeatedly cited by employees as essential skills for all businesses. Fluffed lines, flat jokes and nervous delivery do not inspire confidence and have lost deals and even jobs.

Master the art of presentation on the other hand and you inspire, engage, motivate and leave a lasting impression.

Our Presentation Skills workshops are delivered by expert trainers who have experience as award-winning comedians, international motivational speakers and business consultants

We're feeling the love!

SPOT ON. Presenter was very engaging. Various fun methods and techniques were used for presenting and was interesting learning more about everyone’s unique style of delivery.
Thembi Watt, Senior HR Manager, Public Health England
Best training course ever attended – No exaggeration. Learning about the science behind things was awesome – like how smiling releases serotonin. It was really great breaking into smaller groups each time to discuss things and then discussing back with the whole group.
Mandeep Sandhu, Ofgem, Learning and Development Officer

Comedians are masters at presenting and public speaking, which is why Laughology provides the most effective presentation training in the business.

The cognitive skills used by comedians to think quickly and creatively and communicate on a high level are transferable to all walks of life. We use them, along with our years of experience in some of the most challenging environments imaginable (comedy clubs), to devise tangible techniques that will turn you into an effective communicator.

Brands and organisations we work with:

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You can call us on 0844 800 1701, or use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.