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Customer Experience Programme

Our customer experience programmes drill down into your customers’ journeys and uncover the mindset of your people. We combine these insights with our experience to create custom-built pathways to customer excellence.

What is the aim of the Laughology Customer Experience Programme?

Some brands are barely tolerated, some are adored. The difference between the two extremes is customer experience. While some brands provide a basic level of service, others give their customers a rounded, seamless experience that starts before any interaction and continues after the exchange – be that a call centre telephone call, an instore purchase or a complaint.

Get your customer experience right and you build customer loyalty, satisfaction and retention. You also make life better for your people and boost bottom line, as there is premium on products and services perceived to be providing extra value through interactions.

We work with you to develop a bespoke programme that gets to the heart of your customer interactions.

  • We map your customer journeys
  • We assess capabilities
  • We use our expertise and diverse training suite to build a programme that elevates you from service-provider to experience deliverer

What is the difference between customer service and customer experience?

Customer service is the transactional process between a brand or organisation and its customer. A customer needs something, the brand or business delivers it through an interaction. In the worst examples of customer service, the brand or supplier is actively disliked but holds a monopoly on the service required or pitches its service at such a low price point, customers accept poor service as part of the transaction. We all know brands that fall into this category. Other brands are merely tolerated. They meet a need but go no further in their relationship with customers.

Customer experience relates to the customer’s entire journey with an organisation, brand or business. Customer experience starts before the transaction and continues afterwards, so it includes elements such as marketing, tone of voice and aftersales.

Why is customer experience important?

Get customer experience right and you stand out from the rest. Good customer experience improves customer satisfaction, converts customers into loyal advocates, encourages repeat business and retention and builds trust.

Bad customer experience can be costly, as United Airlines discovered when a passenger’s bad experience went viral on social media and wiped $1.4 billion off the airline’s value.

There are three core modules:

Building a customer-centric organisation

In this fascinating, fact-finding module we look at best practice and develop an understanding of customer experience and customer-centricity. You will explore and analyse some of the world’s best customer-centric organisations. You will learn the secrets of what they do, how they do it and the processes and systems they use to build exemplary customer experiences. We examine the experience maps of market leaders and drill down into the psychology and emotional engagement they use to please their customers.

Your customers and their journeys

Module two turns the spotlight on your organisation and helps you develop a deep understanding or your customers, their journeys and their experiences. We survey and interview customers to build in-depth profiles of them and their interactions with your organisation. We help you understand their emotions, motivations, needs and concerns. Our profiling helps staff understand the human at the end of the telephone or on the other side of the counter. We can use existing profile data and conduct our own surveys to map your organisation’s customer experience, identifying pressure points, power dots and processes that can be positively changed to make the journey easier for the customer.

FLIP it thinking and growth mindset for customer experience front-liners

This module gives tools that allow front line staff to understand challenging customer behaviour and deal with it positively. FLIP it thinking is a unique toolkit developed by Laughology which guides people in the art of recognising and challenging ‘wonky thinking’. It draws on elements of psychology and neuroscience. The FLIP It model allows for conversations that move people and situations forward. It can be used in the moment and on-demand. The growth mindset element of this module provides a toolkit for thinking differently and not being fixed in views about the customer and the process.

Build your own customer experience programme

In addition to these three core modules, organisations can also add other elements, workshops and courses, such as:
We will work with you to identify the best programme design for your organisation.


How long will it last?

Each module is a half day and we recommend at least ten days between each one. We also recommend managers go through our Big Chats, Little Chats coaching programme first, as this will help leverage change in the organisation. Big Chat, Little Chats consists of three half-day modules plus a half-day assessment.

How many people can it work for?

We recommend a maximum of 20 - 25 delegates, depending on needs and organisation. We recommend mixing directorates or departments to develop a wider understanding what the customer experiences across the organisation.
However, in workshops we advise a maximum of 20 to enable effective discussion groups.

What measurements will we see?

We can use net promoter scores as a baseline and look at shifts within these. We can look at customer feedback surveys and pinpoint particular areas of focus.

Trafford Housing Trust case study

Laughology was engaged at a time when the Trust was undergoing a transformation process and was attempting to save costs to invest more in its core mission. It was intent on maximising processes, breaking mindset and helping new employees understand what its customer experience was.


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At Laughology we are all about relationships and we believe that best relationships are the ones where each side shows long-term commitment, which is why we run a partnership scheme for the organisations we work most closely with.

Being a Laughology Learning Partner earns you discounts and extra benefits within your programme which include freebies and complimentary laugher and learning lunchtime sessions. Our learning partners also enjoy an executive level of access to our experts, ensuring that programme delivery is an on-going, fluid process.

Get in touch if you want to know more.

Brands and organisations we work with:

Ask us a question

You can call us on 0844 800 1701, or use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.