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Why be all ‘blah, blah, blah’ when you can be all ‘yah, yah, yah’?

Getting your communication style on-point gives you the edge and, more importantly, spreads the happiness. In fact, it’s so important that 85% of our success can be determined by our ability to communicate. Here’s why: 
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3404 Hits

Laura Drury: Advising her other half (which is completely different to nagging) to cut down on his screen time


For many, many months I have been advising my other half (which is completely different to nagging) to cut down on his screen time. As we embarked on our family holiday last month I suspected that I should do the same. Why? Because I am concerned about the damage our screens have on our wellbeing.

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5959 Hits

The menopause does not just affect the person going through it. It impacts on families and workplaces too

The menopause does not just affect the person going through it. It impacts on families and workplaces too

There are many things a 29-year-old woman doesn’t want to hear. ‘Would you like me to park for you’ and ‘I think it’s a grey hair,’ are just two. As is ‘you are is menopausal’.

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6856 Hits

Juliette Yardley has a wee on the side of a Welsh mountain - and on the top, and again on the way down!

Juliette Yardley has a wee on the side of a Welsh mountain - and on the top, and again on the way down!
Juliette Yardley

A close friend of mine suggested a while ago that we did something a bit different. “How do you fancy climbing Mount Snowden in the middle of the night to watch the sun rise from the summit on the summer solstice?” she asked. It seemed a good idea in the middle of winter when we booked it. Last weekend, me and...

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4502 Hits

Laura Drury: AI – what’s your automatic response?

Laura Drury: AI – what’s your automatic response?
Laura Drury LR Blog

Whilst eating dinner with family and friends recently we happened upon the subject of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (not unsurprisingly as it’s my husband’s favourite topic) whereupon I started to feel a little anxious. You see my ‘internal’ fight or flight, reptilian brain, response to ‘AI’ is: ‘It’s scary, it’s going to take all our jobs before taking over the entire world and...

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4433 Hits

Sarah Creegan: What can we learn from the FLIPPING World Cup?

Sarah Creegan: What can we learn from the FLIPPING World Cup?
Creegan portrait hi res TU

Someone once famously said to Bill Shankly: 'To you, football is a matter of life or death!' To which he replied: 'Listen, it's more important than that.’ As we enter the business end of the World Cup, we have already seen a wide range of life-or-death emotions, both on and off the pitch. These have been from players, managers, supporters and...

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4332 Hits

Laura Drury met her guardian angel aged 28! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man...

Laura Drury met her guardian angel aged 28! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man...

When I was 28 I met my guardian angel! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man... My acting career (which of course had been non-stop) was dwindling, I was about to become homeless and my love life was well, pretty similar to my acting career - non-existent. I faced the prospect of moving out of London and...

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4513 Hits

Unconscious bias says Sarah Creegan is fan of Downton Abbey, EastEnders, cookery programmes, she loves Steps (who doesn't), and has two dogs!

Unconscious bias says Sarah Creegan is fan of Downton Abbey, EastEnders, cookery programmes, she loves Steps (who doesn't), and has two dogs!
Creegan portrait hi res TU

Have you ever wondered what people think about you? In particular, what’s their first impression of you? The warm up exercise for Laughology’s Unconscious Bias session, asks the audience to answer some questions about the trainer, based purely on what the person delivering looks like and the few words that they have, thus far, uttered. When running a course last week,...

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5120 Hits

Right royal slap in the face

Right royal slap in the face

There were many enduring photos of the spectacle that was the Royal Wedding over the weekend. One memorable image was the miserable trout pout worn by Victoria Beckham who clearly missed the memo that explained it was not a funeral, but a day of celebration, happiness and joy. Mrs Beckham wandered around with a face devoid of any jubilation and looked...

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4774 Hits


September INSET days for schools - LIMITED AVAILABILITY LEFT

We’ll lead again - why it’s time to start leading your school again

7 ways to be a brilliant school leader - not for Ofsted, but for you!

September INSET days for schools - book yours now!

Schools, happiness and laughter - using FLIP-it Thinking

Building Relationships at Surrey Heads Online Conference

Building and maintaining positive relationships with your teaching colleagues - it’s worth it!

How to be braver as a woman thinking about headship

Resilience in schools with Laughology FLIP-it Thinking sessions 

It’s time to welcome our new children’s facilitators

Confrontations in the classroom - can a good giggle be the answer?

Self-reflection for school leaders - make your school a happier place to be

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Menopause awareness in schools

The Happiness Fund - £2500 funding available for projects in your community

Mental wellbeing for teachers - are Geoff and Margaret the new heroes of the teaching profession?

How to feel happier at the start of a new term - we’re going all Adele on you!

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child with Swiss International School

Ofsted inspections: When will they get it right?

Resilience skills at Burpham Primary School

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