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Understanding the language and behaviours of fixed and growth mindsets


Throughout the month we have been introducing you to new way of coaching that we call Big Chats, Little Chats. We started the series by explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century as a pilot programme for telecoms giant O2. The programme has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been...

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4734 Hits

Brexit, how to explain it my kids?


…and what are the lessons they can take away?

Whilst out for lunch earlier this week my friend was telling me how worried her seven-year-old son was about Brexit. He has become very interested in the ‘process’ (or lack thereof) and requests regular updates from his mum.

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5014 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: If life is like a box of chocolates, how can we engage our teams to ensure that post-Brexit business remains sweet?


Way back in 2017, the head of the National Audit Office said that the Government could 'come apart like a chocolate orange' over Brexit. As it turns out, this was something of a sugar-coated understatement. With Brexit less than a week away, we know that, unless businesses and organisations put far more effort and attention into engaging their teams, then we...

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2640 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: The good news - leading with confidence in uncertain times is an opportunity


Change is a comin’, that much is certain. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about what that change will look like. But how about some good Brexit news? Firstly, change often brings benefits, and secondly, the more you prepare for change (no matter how uncertain the circumstances are), the less of a shock it will be. This should give you confidence...

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2758 Hits

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit learning and development toolkit: Supporting and engaging your teams

Brexit. It sounds like a name for a new cereal, doesn’t it? But for 48.11% of the population, it isn’t that appetising. It could otherwise be known as Groundhog Day, given the carnival of repetitive arguments that have transpired since the UK voted to leave the EU. In the words of Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same...

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2187 Hits

Over the coming weeks, we’re putting together a workplace Brexit toolkit for managers and leaders


Unless you've been living under a rock for three years, you wouldn’t have escaped the fact that something of national importance is happening. We’re not talking Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae (sadly), we are talking Brexit; that looming economic disaster / exciting sunny upland, depending on which side of the fence you sit on. Not since Touch My Bum by the Cheeky...

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2360 Hits

Big chats, little chats - A 21st Century coaching model: Module 2 - The art of positive mindset and how to challenge ‘wonky thinking’


At the start of the month we explained how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where it’s been used and increasing management engagement scores.

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3422 Hits

Big chats, little chats - A 21st Century coaching model: Module 1 - creating the right environment


Last week we published a case study explaining how we developed an innovative new coaching model for the 21st Century called Big Chats, Little Chats. The programme has been piloted with O2 and has been hugely successful, boosting retail sales by 23 percent where its been used and increasing management engagement scores. We explained how BC,LC consists of three modules, and this week we...

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4064 Hits

Premier League managers & leadership: has the hairdryer treatment had its day?

leader-blog-AdobeStock_243228943 As with business, football is ultimately about outcomes – winning games, competitions, silverware

Historically, business leaders and managers have been judged on outcomes alone. However, from the work that Laughology has done in recent years, we can see a shift in thinking. Now, in an increasing number of organisations, people’s performance is assessed by looking at both what they have achieved and how they have achieved it – their behaviours.

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3370 Hits


September INSET days for schools - LIMITED AVAILABILITY LEFT

We’ll lead again - why it’s time to start leading your school again

7 ways to be a brilliant school leader - not for Ofsted, but for you!

September INSET days for schools - book yours now!

Schools, happiness and laughter - using FLIP-it Thinking

Building Relationships at Surrey Heads Online Conference

Building and maintaining positive relationships with your teaching colleagues - it’s worth it!

How to be braver as a woman thinking about headship

Resilience in schools with Laughology FLIP-it Thinking sessions 

It’s time to welcome our new children’s facilitators

Confrontations in the classroom - can a good giggle be the answer?

Self-reflection for school leaders - make your school a happier place to be

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Menopause awareness in schools

The Happiness Fund - £2500 funding available for projects in your community

Mental wellbeing for teachers - are Geoff and Margaret the new heroes of the teaching profession?

How to feel happier at the start of a new term - we’re going all Adele on you!

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child with Swiss International School

Ofsted inspections: When will they get it right?

Resilience skills at Burpham Primary School

Brands and organisations we work with:

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