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The Benefits of Blended Learning – For Your Team and Your Budget


Ever wondered about the benefits of blended learning for your team or organisation? Perhaps you’ve heard the term, but you’re unsure of what it means or looks like in practice? Well, in this blog post we look at how blended learning could improve your team’s performance, as well as their enjoyment of/participation in their continued professional development (CPD). What is blended...

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3246 Hits

Soft skills or Jurgen Klopp skills?


Teaching soft skills. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. I once ran a talent programme within a large organisation and decided to take a chance on someone that had been dismissed by others. They rubbed people up the wrong way, had poor time management skills and couldn’t organise a kid’s tea party! A challenge to be had. The programme...

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2963 Hits

You might not like me if you read this and I’m OK with that.


Hi. I’m Kerry and I’m lovely. Really easy to get on with. Some have been so creatively descriptive as to say ‘Kerry is soooo nice’. Too nice, I’ve wondered? Can you be too nice? YES, if it means you’re a walkover. If you’ll happily lie down, roll over and wait to have your belly tickled whilst ignoring an injustice. People who...

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2817 Hits

Are soft skills really ‘soft’?


What are soft skills and why are they so important? Who is your dentist? Hairdresser? What about sparky, plumber or car mechanic? Of course, I don’t really want to know who they are (well, maybe the car mechanic - it’s really difficult to find a good one)… I just want you to bring them to mind. Why do you use them?...

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4656 Hits

A guide to the hot workplace topics of the 2020s. Enlightenment starts here...


If you only read one 'trends of 2020' blog this month, read this one (and possibly the one about new electronic cat toys). Why? Because this will equip you for the future. We've analysed our own data and investigated the world's bleeding-edge workplaces to create a guide for the hot work topics of the 2020s. Enlightenment starts here... Customer experience is...

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2475 Hits

Ten top tips to motivate your team into the new year

Ten top tips to motivate your team into the new year

It’s the new year and your teams are coming back with resolutions, new gym memberships, dry January boasts and the last few drops of the seasonal cheer.  It won’t be long before the reality of January sets in and the new-year-new-me mantras fade away. January can be a tricky time for people and motivating your team to get back in the...

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2894 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 2


In the second part of this customer experience blog - you can find the first part here - we will look at How to create a customer journey map, and what should be included on your customer journey map. How to create a customer journey map 1. Set clear objectives for the map. Before you can dive into creating your map,...

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3303 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 1

Laughology customer-journey-part-1-image

In this two-part blog, we will look at customer journey maps; how to create them, how they help organisations boost customer experience and how they change perceptions about customers. Get into the mind of your customer Understanding your customers’ perspectives and thought processes helps you appreciate the way they interact with your company and why. Having a clear grasp of the...

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2385 Hits

Customer Experience – WHY does it matter?


I have yet to receive a product I ordered online on August 29th. It’s late by anyone’s standards, particularly in the age of Amazon Prime, where you barely finish placing your order before there’s a courier at the door. Hopefully, by the time you get to read this blog the product will have arrived. I might treat it as a Christmas...

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2952 Hits


September INSET days for schools - LIMITED AVAILABILITY LEFT

We’ll lead again - why it’s time to start leading your school again

7 ways to be a brilliant school leader - not for Ofsted, but for you!

September INSET days for schools - book yours now!

Schools, happiness and laughter - using FLIP-it Thinking

Building Relationships at Surrey Heads Online Conference

Building and maintaining positive relationships with your teaching colleagues - it’s worth it!

How to be braver as a woman thinking about headship

Resilience in schools with Laughology FLIP-it Thinking sessions 

It’s time to welcome our new children’s facilitators

Confrontations in the classroom - can a good giggle be the answer?

Self-reflection for school leaders - make your school a happier place to be

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Menopause awareness in schools

The Happiness Fund - £2500 funding available for projects in your community

Mental wellbeing for teachers - are Geoff and Margaret the new heroes of the teaching profession?

How to feel happier at the start of a new term - we’re going all Adele on you!

Bringing Out the Best in Every Child with Swiss International School

Ofsted inspections: When will they get it right?

Resilience skills at Burpham Primary School

Brands and organisations we work with:

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